Bringelly Brickworks community engagement

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KEC was engaged by PGH Bricks parent company CSR, to establish and chair a community consultative committee for the Bringelly  Brickworks project. The brickworks was undergoing a change in its development approval and a requirement of the new approval was the establishment of a community consultative committee with an independent chair. The fill will need to be transported by rail and/or road over a period of several years, with associated impacts on the local community.

Kath Elliott is a member of the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s talent pool for independent chairs of community consultative committees and was appointed to chair the Bringelly brickworks CCC in 2016.

Kath prepared the Terms of Reference for the CCC, undertook the advertising and stakeholder engagement to seek community members, reviewed the nominations and recommended the members to CSR. 

Kath has chaired the CCC meeting since that time, working with the local community and PGH Bricks to develop positive relationships and open and transparent communication.

The CCC is a key component in the company’s communication with local people, providing opportunities for discussion and feedback on company operations and environmental performance.